NTU Admission Essay
At such a juncture, I felt it was necessary to provide my own opinion, whether it complimented theirs or not and I commented, with all due for my elders present then, that all they were displaying was not an awareness of India's problems but a weak way of escaping from a nation that they essentially had a part in building. What outraged me more was the simplicity with which many people can disgrace India and do that, and nothing more. And what angered me the most was the lack of confidence and hope for India's future.
This incident set me thinking and I realised that there are so many changes I wish to see in the world and sitting around, complaining about them would put me in the same boat as the people mentioned above. Therefore, as an educated citizen of the world, it is essential I make an effort or have a vision to find a remedy for any problem that bothers me. Only then will I be able to actualise Mahatma Gandhi's great words.